

Published on:

22nd Apr, 2022

Show artwork for Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do?

About the Podcast

Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do?
How to parent in a climate emergency
Journalists Katy Glassborow and Babita Sharma met 25 years ago and remain firm friends, sharing each others highs and lows. They spent their careers investigating news stories, including climate change, but when they both became mums the climate headlines left them in a state of fear. How do you parent in a climate emergency? Katy and Babita decided to consult some of the world’s leading climate thinkers on how to rip up 'parenting' and piece it back together to fit our planetary reality. In each episode you'll hear stark truths, honest conversation and advice to help others navigate this crazy time. Join us for more chat #MumWillThePlanetDie. Subscribe to get your weekly dose of climate parenting each Thursday.